Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thoughts for 2009 Fishing and Hunting

Well, tonight is another bite of winter is still in the air, Grumps and I head to the San Jacinto River, in the morning for our 1st fishing trip of the season. My life has never been easy, full of hard work, and some great disappointments. However, I still thank God, for my wonderful life. My escape mechanism in life is not though some drink or drug but rather my love of the outdoors and of my children Joey Sarah, Cory, Tania and Donald and now my grandson, Danny Matt, are the the ones in my thoughts as I fish and hunt. I can not give my kids or grandson, money, but I can give them my time and share of the catch or kill of the day and a great story of the pursuit. My personal life in relationships has never been very successful but, my relationship with mother nature is of a permanent bond. I may grow old without a spouse or significant other yet I will always have my children and grandchildren, and the outdoors. As watch the river run and the sky move over head tomorrow I will be thinking and thanking God how wonderful it is to be alive. I know many people, can do far more in the outdoors, than I can yet I bet no one loves the thrill of fishing or hunting more than I do.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a winter season, Almost Over!

Well, winter is almost over, and the fishing season will be starting soon. I'm sorry, my blog has been on the back burner, over the last few weeks, alot is going on in my personal life. A lot of my followers to my blog know I have a young son that lives in North Carolina, and his mother, has not allowed me any contact with him since 13 July 2008. I have been traveling to Louisburg, North Carolina, in appeal to reestablish contact with him. I know another trip is now in the planning stage. Grumps, and I will be working on my mothers yard and his yard boy, you know know we are having lots of fun with that. I bought 2 new reels a few weeks ago at the Base Exchange at Lackland AFB, my basic training base, and my 1st duty station at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. My reels were a great steal at only $9.99 each regular price for the same reels are about $18.00 dollars here in Houston. As you can tell my Danny Matt is getting bigger and bigger, soon he will be fishing and hunting with his Grandpa Cruz.
Grumps will be hitting the 69 this week on the 25th of February, but he is still in better shape than I'm. Grumps and I will be gearing up this weekend and next week getting ready for some white bass and catfish, next Sunday, finally getting back to the great outdoors I love so much. Grumps is ready because he is getting so tired of me braggin shooting my doe at 300 yards, that my yarn, needs to get replaced with good fishing tale. No way will ever stop telling my tale of my shot. I will post pictures soon of Falls Lake North Carolina, where I caught many a catfish. and I will have picture of my old hunting zones too. Well every take I will post soon.
Grandpa Cruz