Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God and the Outdoors

Today on my drive home, as I drove down the road watching the sun setting in the west, it occurred to me why I believe in God and how God and the outdoors correlate to make a life great. As the sun was setting as a huge red ball in the sky and my thoughts took me to my deer blind and my many fishing spots, I reaffirmed once again that God, in my heart, is great!! As my day at work went, I helped many people, and I offered my heart to a patient on the start of their long road to battle cancer. Once again, I will impact another life not my own on a very hard journey. But this patient will know when they come to my pharmacy I am there to offer my help in any way I can. I think of the outdoors as a retreat to refresh my heart, my mind and my soul, and to ask God to give me the knowledge and wisdom for me to be all the person He intended me to be. I will be heading with my son, my dad, my sister, and my God this Sunday to hopefully catch some fish and I will reaffirm my belief in God. Keep those lines tight and may God bless you. Grandpa Cruz