Well today, December 28, 2008 Grumps and I had our last deer hunt of 2008. The last hunt ended as the last hunt of the year should as a skunk day. Grumps and I were caught in cold rain for almost 2 hours, and the hike out the hunting zone was miserable but it made me think and realize. My love hunting is not based if shoot a deer,but rather on how much match my wits against mother nature and admire all of her beauty in the process of being in the outdoors.I will admit wanted just one more deer, but God said, not today Peter. I love hunting and fishing both of these past times of mine are like a addicting narcotic I can never get enough. I believe a true outdoors man feels maybe next time I will get a blessing from God and bring home a trophy. As Grumps is cleaning our rifles tonight since both got a real soak today. I want to take a few lines to look back on the past year and share my views of wisdom . The things we learned to do and not what to do. I want to 1st say a big Thank You to Grumps (my dad) for everything he taught me about making long shots, and never giving up even when I miss fire on a close shot. Grumps, has ensured that my spirit for hunting is always high even when we have walked out empty handed. Here are my tips both Grumps and I learned either fishing or hunting in 2008.
10-Tips for sucessful fishing.
1. Always ensure all fishing line is fresh and spooled evenly on the spool.
2. Always buy the freshest bait possible, be it shrimp or worms or even minnows.
3. Always bring more than fishing rods than you think you will use, I busted 3 fishing rigs while pulling a big channel cat out of the river this past spring.
4. Always pay attention to water be it at the beach or river, or anybody of water. Depending on on what the water looks like this will likely will lead you to the fish.
5. Always ask questions, I ask everybody I meet what they think about this type of fish and what will work best. Just remember nobody is a total expert.
6. Always ask yourself do I need to change tactics? Don't stick to the same tactics fishing is about adapting to the day or even water.
7. Always bring plenty of water and food. You will be surprised how much work fishing really is.
8. Always try to keep the fish off the ice bring plenty of old newspaper to layer the fish between the ice.
9. Always clean your fish at dock or river, or pier, the guts ensure another great source of food for smaller and bait fish.
1o. Always try to take a kid fishing.
Now the not what to do.
1. Never think you have enough bait, it really hurts when the fish starting biting and your are running out of live or dead bait.
2. Never just leave your significant other without an plans of how you are spending the day of fishing. I don't think this was cause a cause of my ex-girlfriend ending my last relationship however my love fishing is very important to me. I will always make it point that fishing is one of my many great loves of life to whom ever I meet and date.
3. Never not check the river flow rate, tides,weather, I admit sometimes I don't always pay attention to these factors but these are key and crucial to success.
4. Never leave your fishing licences at home or lose it.
5. Never leave the house without an ice chest.
6. Never leave the house without a lunch or plenty snacks and good coffee. I have had to buy food and coffee on the road and it gets expensive really quick.
7. Never stay up late the night before or drink alcohol before fishing. I don't drink a lot so the alcohol part is no problem but I do have a habit of staying up late the night before.
8. Never leave home without cash money, a lot of bait camps prefer cash over credit, notice how much better your bait will look if you pay cash.
9. Never think you know how to tie every knot, get a chart and practice and practice at home.
10. Never fish alone, anything can happen you can fall a twist an ankle or fall into river or gulf, always fish with a partner.
10- Tips for successful hunting.
1. Always buy the best ammo you can afford, my doe that I shot with bullets that cost me about $2.00 each, cheap ammo will not give you an sort of an advantage.
2. Always sight in your rifle before deer season starts and try to use the same box of ammo you sight your rifle in with.
3. Always buy the best thermals you can afford, you won't regret the cost when it's 32 degrees before sunrise.
4. Always scout your area before deer season, you need a basic idea of movement and patterns of the deer.
5. Always bring aspirin or Tylenol you back will thank you after sitting in the blind or stand for 8 or more hours and any over the counter meds you might need.
6. Always keep meals light, the days before the hunt, remember no indoor plumbing in the woods.
7. Always try to sleep as much possible you don't want to be falling asleep in the blind or stand.
8. Always think safety, safety, safety, wear your hunting orange or red, keep your rifle on safety until you are ready to hunt. Remember all the basic safety rules.
9. Always remember to keep your gear clean, organized and ready to go. This will you save you a ton of time getting ready to leave.
10. Always remember to treat your kill with respect, and say little a prayer thanking God for letting you take one of his creatures.
And the not what to do.
1. Never leave home without letting someone knowing your hunting location.
2. Never just shoot if your shot will not be a clean shot.
3. Never think of yourself above God always Thank God for you hunting successes.
4. Never be a rude hunter in deer camp go to bed and be quite during the sleeping hours in deer camp.
5. Never under pack on food and water,firewood, their are no stores in the middle of the woods.
6. Never leave home with out plenty of bedding, be sure to have pillows.
7. Never under estimate the day, when hunting deer, the deer will move at any time they want.
8. Never think the game warden is not near by, we have been pulled over in the middle of the night for a safety check.
9. Never leave trash or other litter in the hunting zone, remember to make it cleaner than when you found it.
10. Never not give up deer hunting is more than just hunting, take time to love nature and reflect about life.
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