Monday, December 31, 2012

Goals for Hunting and Fishing 2013

Today, is December 28, 2012, and the weather is beyond bad it is in the tank. As, I seat here typing waiting for the Cory aka Monk to return back from his Christmas vacation with his mother. I am day dreaming of the new hunts and fishing adventures that await Grumps, Monk, and me in the New Year. January will be mostly a down month working on putting up our deer gear, and cleaning our rifles, February should be ok to start thinking about hitting Crappie, and White Bass. And of course as the year progress we will be after catfish, speckle trout, reds, ect. My hunting and fishing adventures are always the high light of me getting through another day of work. And time for a story, about Grumps, Cory and me aw we were fishing at Seawolf Park fishing Pier, and it was very slow night, and the only the hitting the lines were the hardheads (Catfish), and small Croakers. Grumps line suddenly went crazy and he landed the biggest lizard fish had ever seen. Now we have a problem, who is going to take the that ugly, slimely, nasty looking fish off the hook? Grumps said, not only NO but NO WAY, the Monk said "I ani't touch that fish", you do it Dad, your the Dad, and its your job. I had no choice as Monk, moved the line the over the side pier I went to grasp the fish behind its head to remove the hook, the fish felt NASTY, SLIMELY, WET, and GROSS. I let out a yelp that Cory said, " Dad you sound like a little girl" then I said, " ok your so brave you take it off the line" Cory replied, " NO YOUR DADDY THATS YOUR JOB YOU BIG GIRL" as he was laughing so hard,Grumps, said, nothing but I could see out of the corner of my eye he was laughing as well. So said fish went back into the bay, and soon we all went home with Cory laughing all the way from Seawolf Park,Galveston, Texas to home. I want to wish all a Happy New Year 2013. Aim True Grandpa Cruz

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hunting with No Luck

No Luck on the big trip hunting trip yesterday, every thing was in place for a great hunt, but Mr. Big Boy did not want to come out and play. It was great hunt overall but still you wonder why the deer were not in the field. Grumps and I will try a new plan on Thursday of this up coming week and hope we can jump the Big Boy soon. Sad, news Toro my grandsons dog, has passed this morning he was the Big E first dog. If the Big E was bigger and older and could understand, I would tell him Grumps and I will see Toro once we go to the Happy Ground too, and Toro will be our dog to guide in our hunts in the next world. I love the Christmas Season. I will see my best friend, and his wife to take them tamales and other treats including deer backstrap from my last hunt. I want to Thank, Karen she is behind me in all my adventures and I deeply love her for all she does for me. Til my next post Aim True. Grandpa Cruz

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Deer Seaon 2012

Today, with only 2 days to go til my next hunt with my dad aka Grumps, I thinking of how often me and dad dream of getting the big boy we have been hunting for the last 5 seasons. My dad has taught me never to give up on getting him. Life is like deer hunting, you wait and hope for the best it will bring you. I still think of the many times I have felt like giving up on some issue in my life but I never give up hope. My family is my lifeline with out my family my life would be a drift. I am the oldest of my 4 other siblings, and as I get older I realize how much we depend on each other. My sibling and I all different in views and life styles, but each of us always remember we are here for each other. I do a lot of thinking about life in my deer stand, much like if I was in my own home. Deer hunting is more of the time and place where I free my mind to try to understand life. My hope for the next hunt on Friday is to bring home the big boy and a doe for my freezer. I love the outdoors and yet I do hate the idea of sitting in the cold at 3:00 am waiting for the sun to rise and start my day but I will save that story for another day. Aim True and Merry Christmas 2012, Grandpa Cruz

Friday, December 14, 2012

My Dad aka "Grumps"

My dad aka Grumps, is the reason I love hunting and fishing so much. My dad has and is still working hard. My dad is now 72 years old, and think often now I don't have many more years til he takes his walk to the Happy Hunting Ground. I may not always agree with his views, or opinions on life, but he is my dad. When my dad and I are in the ground blind deer hunting or freezing trying to sleep in the back of his truck in the middle of deer season. I'm so grateful that my dad is here for me. My dad greatest love beyond anything in this world is his family. My four siblings and I have give my dad 10 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren and each one of them are special and unique to my dad. In the years since my return back to Houston, and hunting and fishing with my dad, we have had some great outdoor adventures and every time we toss a line or in the field hunting deer my dad and I are the happiest we can be. Dad, may not always land the biggest catfish or shoot the big boy buck we have been hunting for years but still he is always happy I'm there to share the moment with him. Next week we are going are perhaps the most intense and hardest deer hunting trip of the season, the big buck should be in full rut and we both hope my dad brings him down early in the morning to call this end of the 2012 deer season to an end. Til my next post Aim True. Grandpa Cruz

Saturday, December 1, 2012

One of the Best Days of My Life

Wow, today is December 1, 2012. It will go down as the day my 3 grandsons shared a BIG BIRTHDAY! Danny Matt, The Big E, and Jo Jo had one big bash. I had all my children today. Cory, my youngest son,is the best Uncle to his nephews. My grandsons are the following ages, Danny Matt is now 4 years old, The Big E is 3, and Jo Jo is 2 years old. My family is awesome. Joey and Tania, Sarah and Donald, are the best parents to my grandsons. God has blessed me more than I could have ever asked for. My dad and mom also were present to enjoy the celebrating with their family. Can you believe how wonderful it is to see 4 generations all present in the same room? I think back on my dad (Grumps) and I sitting in the dark at 3:00 a.m. in the deer blind talking about the trials it took to raise Joey and Sarah, and how OUR hard work provided them with the chance to be the great adults they are today. My mom said this evening on the day she dies she will die knowing her grandchildren are fully capable and able to provide for themselves and their children, an accomplishment anyone would be proud of. As I looked at my grandsons and all my children, I realize the sacrifices and hard work are worth all the sweat I have given off my brow. I thank God for one of the Best Days of My Life. Til my next post Aim Straight and Keep those lines tight. Grandpa Cruz

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God and the Outdoors

Today on my drive home, as I drove down the road watching the sun setting in the west, it occurred to me why I believe in God and how God and the outdoors correlate to make a life great. As the sun was setting as a huge red ball in the sky and my thoughts took me to my deer blind and my many fishing spots, I reaffirmed once again that God, in my heart, is great!! As my day at work went, I helped many people, and I offered my heart to a patient on the start of their long road to battle cancer. Once again, I will impact another life not my own on a very hard journey. But this patient will know when they come to my pharmacy I am there to offer my help in any way I can. I think of the outdoors as a retreat to refresh my heart, my mind and my soul, and to ask God to give me the knowledge and wisdom for me to be all the person He intended me to be. I will be heading with my son, my dad, my sister, and my God this Sunday to hopefully catch some fish and I will reaffirm my belief in God. Keep those lines tight and may God bless you. Grandpa Cruz

Friday, March 30, 2012

Outstanding Fishing Trip for Grumps and Grandpa Cruz

On March 15, 2012, Grumps and I launched our 2012 fishing and hunting season. As always, we headed to the only place we can afford, the Sam Houston National Forest, New Waverly, Texas. The day started as they have always started... with Grumps running late (as usual), once again. I was up, ready and packed, by our launch time of 9am. But... Grumps, with all his infinite wisdom, was once again late, at 9:30. We stopped in Spring, Texas, to fuel our truck, pick up some snacks, and start our adventure. The weather was beyond words. God had blessed us with the perfect fishing day. Not too hot, not too cold, but -- in the immortal words of Goldilocks --juuuuust right. We stopped at a local bait shop in New Waverly, located next to the new gas station/Burger King combination. I can't recall the name of the place, but I wanted to inform you to always bring cash to get the best deals, as I have stated in my previous posts. After these two stops, we finally got our first line in the water at 10:45am, CST. By 11:10, I had caught my first fish, a 2-pound, 14-inch yellow bass. I can now say we're official. The day progressed with a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, and a lot of thought. As always, I thought life cannot get better than this -- a cold beer (only one), a can of Vienna sausages, a warm day, my family, my girlfriend, and the blessings of God. I will write more about this adventure in the future, but as I end my initial passage for the 2012 hunting and fishing season, I want everyone to know life is not only short but also a roller coaster that never stops. Until my next post, keep those lines tight and hooks sharp, and remember to always take a kid fishing. Grandpa Cruz

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fishing Season 2012 Start UP

Good Day, to all, Well it is a wet and miserable day, Grumps and I will be in my moms garage soon, going over what we need to restock our tackle boxes, respool our reels, and realizing we only 4 days to go til our 1st fishing trip of the 2012 season. My grandson, Elias is asleep in his crib in my mom's room, with a chocolate covered donut waiting for him the minute he wakes up. As I remember my oldest son Joey, at the same age of Elias I think of how much more I should have taken Joey fishing and hunting. Elias is spiting image of Joey, so God has blessed me with a second chance to redo a small part of my life. Elias, soon my grandson you will be with me in the field, teaching you all that I know and together we can learn more. Elias nick name is Tato Bear a nickname given to him by Joey. So here is my little poem for Him

" Tato Bear, Tato Bear had no hair but know my Tato Bear has a full head of Hair"

Friday, March 9, 2012

The past 3 years of Deer Hunting

Time, where does it go? In the past 4 years, and many hours sitting in my stand with my dad, I was lucky to take one doe, one spike buck, and an 8-point trophy buck. In this past year, the only thing I was able to kill was time. Yes, it was a bad year, but it was a great year. My oldest son is not only a great dad but a very wise young man. As I sat in my stand once again with my dad, I thought of my oldest son and my youngest son on the day that they were both there sitting next to me with my dad the moment I took my 8-point trophy buck at a new record distance of 370+ yards. My oldest son's last words to me before I pulled the trigger will always live with me -- "Take it, Dad." The deer dropped, my youngest son still complained his ears were ringing and the oldest said, "You got that SOB! What a shot!" My youngest son was already complaining about how far we had to walk to go pick the deer out of the zone. Dad was shaking his head, saying, "Once again, we gotta drag this animal even further than the last one." It was a day that will now last in my mind and time that til the day I die, I will never forget. The comments of my hunting companions and the expressions are forever borne in my heart. Tonight, March 9, 2012, is a wet, cold night. My typist typing away, I think of my youngest grandson. For him, I will always hold closer in my heart for he is my special grandson and will always be the one I will hold close. Have a great week, until my next post.

Grandpa Cruz

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New season of fishing 2012

I'm back! And boy, has it been crazy. I have lots and lots to write about. Today is March 4, 2012. Grumps and I, and my nephew Zak are heading to the fishing show to start our new fishing adventures for the year. Cory, aka Monk, is not able to attend but will be there with me in spirit. I will be writing more now, once again, as I've hit another hard chapter in my personal life. I'd like to announce I have a new love interest in my life, and her name is Kari. With her outstanding computer, I will now be able to write more in order to relieve the stress in my life. I do want to add that I now have THREE grandsons! My latest addition is Joseph Lister. Let me just end this post by saying that I hope everyone has a great day and I'm heading to the fishing show at the George R. Brown Convention Center.

Have a great day!
Grandpa Cruz