Friday, March 9, 2012

The past 3 years of Deer Hunting

Time, where does it go? In the past 4 years, and many hours sitting in my stand with my dad, I was lucky to take one doe, one spike buck, and an 8-point trophy buck. In this past year, the only thing I was able to kill was time. Yes, it was a bad year, but it was a great year. My oldest son is not only a great dad but a very wise young man. As I sat in my stand once again with my dad, I thought of my oldest son and my youngest son on the day that they were both there sitting next to me with my dad the moment I took my 8-point trophy buck at a new record distance of 370+ yards. My oldest son's last words to me before I pulled the trigger will always live with me -- "Take it, Dad." The deer dropped, my youngest son still complained his ears were ringing and the oldest said, "You got that SOB! What a shot!" My youngest son was already complaining about how far we had to walk to go pick the deer out of the zone. Dad was shaking his head, saying, "Once again, we gotta drag this animal even further than the last one." It was a day that will now last in my mind and time that til the day I die, I will never forget. The comments of my hunting companions and the expressions are forever borne in my heart. Tonight, March 9, 2012, is a wet, cold night. My typist typing away, I think of my youngest grandson. For him, I will always hold closer in my heart for he is my special grandson and will always be the one I will hold close. Have a great week, until my next post.

Grandpa Cruz

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